Are you a bad girl?-----
Seriously if this group of women is what defines what a bad girl is I think I have been seriously mistaken.
Oxygen has created a show without a purpose (go figure, most reality TV is pointless). The producers thought they would interview and hold casting calls to collect the "baddest" group of girls from across the country. I think they may have hit the jack pot but I'm not sure if it deserves the title "bad girls club"
The cast consists of a bunch of women whom love to cause conflict in a haze of drunken "conversations"
let me introduce them....(from left to right)
Jennavecia - loud mouth extrovert who says whats on her mind regardless whom she offends. (Got kicked off the show for refusal to do work at assigned place of employment)
Darlene - sloppiest drunk of them all - however realized her actions under the influence don't make her a bad girl- they make her a sloppy drunk (two points for lesson learned)
Lyric (front) - aspiring rap star? model? we didn't see much of her...could it be that her run in's with the law prohibited her from well deserved screen time? We'll never know....she left to avoid the drama? (or did she?)
Cordeilia - worlds most (un)famous porn star. Her role on the show is to be the raunchiest bad girl club member by revealing all her lude sexual acts and fantasies on camera....also thinks she a bad girl for playing guys---no wait I'm not sure who shes played....can you play a porn star...or do you just ride her like the town bicycle and move on?
Neveen - the ignoramus of the house. Constantly belittles people near or far. Claims that reason for ignorant and arrogant personality is because of her relationship with her father...however it really comes down to her low self esteem and inability to understand that she is NOT perfect.
Tanisha - definitely the most colorful of the group....also gets two points for having a revelation on ways to change her "bad girl ways". Clearly the loudest member of the house and often found laying down mean tracks based off of house experiences...please see video on oxygen website of "no sleep cause of y'all"
Hannah - Snobby white girl whom fakes a Brooklyn accent when angry or provoked by Tanisha. Doesn't do much but follow Tanisha and Neveen around adding her pointless two cents to get camera time.
There you have it America's Bad Girls Club.
I first saw them in a boring Sunday home folding laundry. You know those Sunday's when there is nothing on besides crap marathons of reality TV with low weekly ratings and lifetime movies (all of which you've seen and are longing for new based on a true story) 

I noticed a group of women meeting each other much like the members of the real world meet for the first time, and exploring an enormous welly decorated home specifically designed to promote drunken nights and sexual scandals.
Did I mention they have the most enormous closet I have ever seen fully stocked with designer shoes, purses and even sexy undies? Oh, the closet is a room, a place clearly for gossip, nightlife prep time, and of course a good fight.
Each episode is skillfully edited to help develop and stimulate character in each of these women....or just show them at their "Baddest" These women selected for this show have been thrust into reality stardom making them another causality of unimportant or talent-less fame.
They each appear at bar openings, spring break parties, and of course random celebrity events to promote their "TV show".
I have to shamefully admit that I love this slice of un-reality viewing pleasure created by oxygen as for thirty minutes of my Tuesday evening is now filled with pure amusement watching un-famous women attempt to be bad, but in reality assume the character which has been pre-decided for them by the people in the editing room at oxygen.
Reality-ness rating -2.5
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